Consulta de Guías Docentes

Academic Year/course: 2017/18

445 - Degree in Tourism

29130 - Financial Management

Syllabus Information

Academic Year:
29130 - Financial Management
Faculty / School:
177 - Escuela Universitaria de Turismo
445 - Degree in Tourism
616 - Degree in Tourism: 4
445 - Degree in Tourism: 3
445 - Second semester
616 - First semester
Subject Type:

5.1. Methodological overview

The learning process that has been designed for this course is based on the following:

The proposed methodology seeks to foster continued student work and it focuses on the practical aspects of the subject.

In sessions with the whole group the basics are treated as theoretical and practical class with immediate applications through examples and student participation is encouraged. Case management is done in group sessions with the party group.The assessment focuses more on the practical aspects.

Some materials for this subject will be available at for the students enrolled in the subject.

5.2. Learning tasks

The program offered to the students to help them achieve the learning results includes the following activities:


  • Theoretical classes: The participatory lecture model will be used. This model offers the lecturer the possibility of highlighting the most important aspects of each lesson, controlling the time given to explanation and guiding the students in the study of the subject. The lecturer will promote the participation of students by raising questions and presenting examples during the class.
  • Practical classes (the group will be split into two): These will consist of solving practical exercises. The scheme will be as follows:

            a) The practical exercises will be available at before the practical classes.

            b) Students will solve the exercises at home.

            c) The teacher will promote the participation of students and will solve the different parts in class

  • Two theoretical and practical controls: It is expected to control at the end of each group of homogeneous items. It will be a classic assessment performed individually
  • Tutorial hours: Students will have times for tutorials with the teacher. They will also have the possibility of submitting queries by e-mail.
  • Completion of written exams


  • Use of  ICTs as study and learning tools: The online learning platform “Moodle” will be used to post the syllabus, materials and practical exercises of the subject. Likewise, students will be provided with this teaching guide and other information that may be useful for them (announcements about practical classes, forum questions, place of study and debate, news of interest, and so on).
  • Personal work: Students will solve autonomously five exercises at home (PNP) to submit in a timely manner established in Moodle and part of the ongoing evaluation. Qualification will be validated with two face-examinations. It is essential that students distribute this workload throughout the term in order to assimilate the contents. This will make the learning of subsequent lessons easier.
  • Voluntary activities: will be established and communicated in Moodle

5.3. Syllabus

The contents of this subject are made up of the lessons shown below:

  1. Financial model of the company
  2. Financial situation analysis
  3. Economic analysis of the company
  4. Equity financing
  5. Long-term external financing
  6. Short-term external financing
  7. Cost of capital
  8. Investment decisions in certainty
  9. Financial planning

5.4. Course planning and calendar

Schedule sessions and activities

The schedule of sessions will be made public by the center. The presentation of papers and other activities will be communicated through Moodle.

The distribution of theoretical and practical classes throughout the term will be as follows:

- Weekly sessions of theoretical classes (2 hours per week).

- Weekly sessions of practical classes (2 hours per week).

- Throughout the term, four hours of the weekly sessions of practical or theoretical classes will be used to carry out the continuous assessment exams

5.5. Bibliography and recommended resources

[BB: Bibliografía básica / BC: Bibliografía complementaria]


BB Andreu Sánchez, Laura. Finanzas de empresa : inversión y financiación : soluciones de ejercicios propuestos / Laura Andreu Sánchez, Sandra Ferreruela Garcés, Pilar Pellejero Castillo . [Zaragoza] : Copy Center Digital, D.L. 2011
BB Ángel-W. Aranda, Hipólito. Dirección financiera en las empresas turísticas. Inversión y financiación. Madrid: Centro de estudios Ramón Aceres, 1998
BB Durbán Oliva, Salvador. Finanzas corporativas. Madrid: Pirámide, 2017
BC Brealey, Richard A. Fundamentos de financiación empresarial / Richard Brealey , Stewart Myers ; traducción Carmen Ansotegui Olcoz, Manuel A. Espitia Escuer, Julio Jiménez Martínez ; revisión técnica, Prosper Lamothe . 4a. ed. Madrid [etc.] : McGraw-Hill, D. L. 1993
BC Mochón Morcillo, Francisco. Diccionario de términos financieros y de inversión / Francisco Mochón Morcillo, Rafael Isidro Aparicio . 3ª ed. Madrid, [etc.] : McGraw-Hill, 2006
BC Pérez-Carballo, Ángel. Principios de gestión financiera de la empresa / A. y J. Pérez-Carballo y E. Vela Sastre . Madrid : Alianza, 2001
BC Pisón Fernández, Irene. Dirección y gestión financiera de la empresa / Irene Pisón Fernández . Madrid : Pirámide, D. L. 2001
BC Suárez Suárez, Andrés Santiago. Decisiones óptimas de inversión y financiación en la empresa / Andrés S. Suárez Suárez . [18a.ed., reimpr.] Madrid : Pirámide, 1998
BC Van Horne, J.. Fundamentos de administración financiera / Van Horne, J. y Wachowicz, J.M. méjico: Prentice Hall, 1994